Monday, April 8, 2013

Final Project Proposal

Project Ideas


         At first I was inspired to do some pictures of different people’s bedrooms. I liked the idea because it can show just how messy, crazy, organized, or OCD a person can be. However, after going to see the final photo series from Bree on Thursday I realized that maybe I need to make this work about me. Since I plan to graduate in May I should get a little more personal, even though I hate knocking down my wall. I am a senior so I guess it is time to do some work that show it.
            One idea I have thought of is to take some macro pictures of different colored bubbles. Each bubble will be a color representing the different departments I have studied in. My last picture will be a multicolored bubble popping. This will represent the popping of the college bubble and finally breaking out into the cold, scary, real world.

This is just an example. Not my work.

            My other idea is to draw inspiration from famous photographer Cindy Sherman. In the quest to find myself while being in college, I think it would be interesting to take self-portraits dressed in different identities and situations. I would be showing who I have been throughout these 7 years, who I am now, and who I hope to become in the future. I do not have a lot of money for costumes but I can do my best with what I have. 

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