Monday, January 28, 2013

Artist Critique #1

Critique of Barbara Kruger

I really like looking at Barbara Kruger's photos because they are bold and unapologetic. I would like to model my work after her example. I think it is really inspiring to see how she merged advertising and mass communication into the fine arts.

In many of her images, like the one above she uses mass communication to address issues like politics, gender, and identity. Kruger makes her audience think more about the many images that are being thrown at them on a day to day basis. Coming from the 70s feminist era she helps women to take a closer look at how we are being portrayed in the media.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


These pictures represent how I define the word paint. Sometimes putting on makeup and nail polish can feel like painting on a blank palate. I did not do too many pictures this round because I thought it would be a little boring for some to see nothing but makeup. In any case I hope you all enjoy!


Many thanks to my great hand model!

Covering up imperfections.